Explore our offer



We offer growth and development through facilitation and coaching.

Our key programmes

School Leadership

  • Facilitated cluster meetings as a forum for discussions, sharing expertise and growing together
  • Coaching to meet individual needs
  • Focus on personal and organisational growth within the context of each setting

Leadership Programmes

Early Headship Coaching


Effective Leaders, Successful Schools

Effective Leaders, Successful Schools is a collaborative professional partnership, the aim of which is to improve the quality of leadership and management in schools.

The approach taken by our team is underpinned by neutral, non-judgement values.  We seek to build professional capacity and develop leadership talent by extending the pool of expertise and resources in the region. 

The key element of the partnership are the Stimulus Days.  These provide an opportunity to be invigorated through discussion of think-pieces, exploring key themes and forming a strong, supportive peer network. 

Led by facilitators, participants learn with and through their peers in a local cluster.  The facilitators are non-judgemental and neutral; they help to guide and shape the focus, as well as reflect the group's needs and local context.

In addition, Online Collaborations give participants the opportunity to hear from and learn with experts / specialist colleagues utilising an online collaborative space.  Participants will:

  • Engage in material presented by the expert / specialist;
  • Interact and connect with colleagues during the virtual collaboration;
  • Participate in extensive dialogue and knowledge exchange.

Key Outcomes

Personal Impact:

Increase in self-efficacy, resilience, pro-activity through jointly considering, shaping and re-forming priorities and embedding evidence-informed practice.  Increased retention in post due to improved coping strategies, workload management, enjoyment; positive health and well-being. 

Impact on Pupils:

Improved teaching results in (over time) changes to classroom culture and learning environment leading to improved pupil attendance, behaviour and attainment including disadvantaged pupils.

Impact on the School / MAT:

Culture of trust and collaboration, and further dissemination across networks of schools and mutually within school; leverage of peer knowledge; succession planning; evaluation and challenge of practice at every level. 


Middle Leadership

  • A blend of facilitation at workshops and impact activities in your setting
  • Coaching to develop skills within your context
  • Focus on personal and organisational growth

NQTs Early Career Teacher

  • Working together to build confidence and resilience and dealing with workload
  • Coaching to meet individual needs
  • Building on ITE to be ready for the next steps in your teaching career

Early Career Teacher Community

Share and inspire

The aim is to create a  professional learning community to support newly qualified teachers and teachers in their early career to have a real career-long commitment to teaching, to engage in challenging practice, build teaching strategies, have ambition through enhanced career progression opportunities and raise the standards of learning and teaching for all children and young people.

The community will have a number of key features : 

  • Collaborate- online networking platform will be used to provide specialist inputs. These will be timed to be outside the normal teaching day to maximise opportunity for access and engagement. 
  • #worcshareinspire –Twitter will provide an additional platform to share experience , learning and ideas related both to the planned Collaborate sessions and more widely around the Early career teacher experience. 
  • An online repository – that shares ideas , learning and experience of the Early career teacher community 
  • Conference – to bring together key stands of learning and to generate new networking opportunities and new ideas to inspire and energise Early career teachers 



  • New or experienced, our programmes will support your Governors in their role
  • Coordinated development over a series of inputs

Quality Assurance

  • Working with partner organisations to quality-assure their work
  • Teacher training, professional development, project delivery – we can support and positively critique the delivery model and measure the evidence of impact

Bespoke professional development

  • Our programmes can be tailored to match your development needs
  • We will jointly design outcomes, focus, delivery pattern and share the delivery



Get in touch

Call: 01905 855056

Email: schoolimprovement@worc.ac.uk 
